Zambia’s very own maker movement

A STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) powered initiative for curious minds that want to use technology to build an awesome future.

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MakerHut is a creative community of makers in Zambia that explores projects and technology in the fields of electronics, crafts and industrial design. Our future involves a radically transformed STEAM education culture in Southern Africa and a generation of youth building an amazing future for our continent.

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What we believe in

Hands on Learning

We realise the value in hands-on learning and that everyone has the capacity to build novel ideas regardless of age and background. We'll show you that the best (and most fun) way of learning is by doing

Modern Tools

DIY tools and technology have become increasingly affordable and accessible. Dive into hobby electronics with us using everything from Arduinos and Raspberry Pis to Spark Cores and litteBits.

Creative Expression

Creative thinking has been a major key to solving many of humanities problems and advancing civilisation. Crafts, art and design are integrated in our program to help develop critical thinking.

Maker Education

As an official partner of MakerEd through the Maker Corps program, we are working on a curriculum to bring sustainable maker education to primary and secondary students.

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